FOTOfusion and Rob Sheppard

Rob Sheppard

It was a great pleasure to be the assistant on Rob Sheppard’s photoshoot in Unbelievable Acres for FOTOfusion. Rob is a well-known nature photographer and author of many photo books and articles in Outdoor Photographer. I have been “following” him on his blog for some time and it was great to spend time with him this morning.

We talked about his approach to shooting nature subjects. Although I have read many of his articles, face-to-face discussion can’t be beat.

Unbelievable Acres is a private “jungle” with so many species of plants that it is hard to count them all. The “FOTOshoot” focused on story telling in macro and close-up. I did have some time to take photos here in a relaxed atmosphere with our students.

Photos taken with the Canon 70-200 f/4 IS.

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