Fireworks on the 4th

Fireworks in Albany

What else to do on July 4th except have a BBQ (great food from Alan & Sharon) and go to a fireworks display. The “big one” here is in downtown Albany on the Empire State Plaza. But is not so big anymore (woohoo).

We got a spot far away atop the “McCarty Ave Parking Lot Hill”. Too far away for good pics and with plenty of urban debris between me and the lights. Nevertheless, I did come away with a few usable images. This one is the best of the bunch and I had to use the fantastic Photoshop content aware fill feature to eliminate some of the light polls, electric wires, etc. The dark background helps, too.

This image was taken with the Canon 300 f4 L IS atop a tripod. Manual focusing and exposure – about f8 at 1/4 sec; remote trigger control.

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