Back from the wedding and was it great – not the wedding (it was OK). We arrived early and so with camera in hand I explored the area. Mostly uninteresting with a few shots of the lake.
With a bit more exploration, I came across a good sized section of wildflowers and a host of butterflies – swallowtails and skippers. With the wrong lens on the camera, I ran back to the car for the 24-135 macro to take these darlings (and others) having lunch.
They are Tiger Swallowtails. The first one is a nice anterior view with all but the far wing tip in focus. The second is from the side to show the feeding behavior. The final image is a close-up showing feeding.
A little off-camera flash would have enhanced the colors and opened up a few of the shadows but of course, I did not think to take it with me. All images post-processed in LR3.
BTW, tomorrow I get my just hatched Monarch caterpillar to raise to adulthood (and take photos)!